Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® Exam Prep

Cost: $499.00 Total PDUs/Contact Hours: 21 | Leadership PDUs: 4 | Strategic & Business Management PDUs: 7 | Technical PM PDUs: 10 CEUs: 2.1 (Contact Hours: 21) A MindEdge course Access Time: 180 days

This intermediate-level course is designed to prepare learners for the Project Management Institute®'s Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® exam. As such, learners should have some experience in Agile project management prior to enrolling. The course begins with the Agile Basics and Agile Applications modules from our Introduction to Agile course, before continuing on to cover the key tools, techniques, and strategies that PMI® has listed as important for Agile practitioners to understand to achieve their certification.