CAPM® Exam Prep Course

Cost: $459.00
Total PDUs/Contact Hours: 23 | Leadership PDUs: 9.75 | Strategic & Business Management PDUs: 2 | Technical PM PDUs: 11.25
CEUs: 2.3 (Contact Hours: 23)
A MindEdge course
Access Time: 180 days

This course is based on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) 6th edition. If seeking PMI certification, learners enrolling in this exam prep course should be planning to sit for PMI's 6th edition exam.

This completely online and self-paced project management program builds successful project managers at all levels of the organization. It provides a comprehensive preparation for the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® certification exam including exam-taking tips, 26 comprehensive module quizzes, and two full-length, 150-question practice exams covering the areas of interest from A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide), which will provide a report to help you determine your areas of weakness.